• REAL Skateboards: Spring ’21 Drop 2 Catalog

    REAL Skateboards: Spring ’21 Drop 2 Catalog
    Artist Byce Wong lends his talents on graphics for Mason and Ishod along with rad photos and vids from the REAL squad in the new catalog.
  • REAL Skateboards Presents Patrick Praman

    REAL Skateboards Presents Patrick Praman
    REAL’s newest am unleashes a barrage of bangers on a host of notorious spots, as his teammates back him up. Congrats, Pat. This is well deserved.
  • Tanner Van Vark's “T.V.V.” Part for REAL

    Tanner Van Vark's “T.V.V.” Part for REAL
    The REAL team provides backup while Tanner skirts impossible angles, plays Twister on hubbas and redefines the wallride game. Is it SOTY season already?
  • REAL's New 2020 Delivery

    REAL's New 2020 Delivery
    Get a look at all the new Ishod, Donnelly, Chima and Zion goods from REAL. Watch Mason’s part again while you’re there.
  • Mason Silva: A REAL Short Part

    Mason Silva: A REAL Short Part
    Mason keeps up his ungodly pace, blasting over bars and scraping out heavy Smiths for REAL. Must be SOTY season…
  • Christian Henry's "Welcome to REAL" Part

    Christian Henry's "Welcome to REAL" Part
    Christian’s been on a tear all year and this triple-kinking, sack-risking REAL part shows the extent of his power. Spot earned in full. 
  • Fatback: REAL East Coast

    Fatback: REAL East Coast
    Fatback brings you the best clips between the bangers in VA, Philly and beyond. Hoppin’ blocks and dorkin’ off, Ishod, K-Walks, Christian and the crew play hard and slay hard.
  • Mason Silva is on REAL

    Mason Silva is on REAL
    Busting through the Bay with total control, Mason finds his home on REAL. Ishod, Busenitz and Lintell hop in to welcome their new teammate. This roster’s a straight-up power plant.
  • The Road to BE FREE Part 2: MD and PA

    The Road to BE FREE Part 2: MD and PA
    The REAL crew links up with Ish and witnesses Reese Salken almost getting smoked by a school bus—but the stoke stays high with lengthy rails, DIY bumps and a unicycle. Check in for good times and a near-death experience. 
  • The Road to BE FREE Part 1: NC and VA

    The Road to BE FREE Part 1: NC and VA
    Busting bangers at every stop in the South, Walker, Wright, Olson, Garvey, Henry and the REAL crew take on deadly triple-kinkers and freeway banks with reckless abandon. Enjoy the ride…